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The history of the holiday homes

When the statutory right to holidays was introduced and people became better off financially, small villages of simple cottages were built around the coasts and cities. These holiday villages are now part of the history of the welfare society and its development. Small holiday homes have become an important part of the modern cultural heritage. What can be done to ensure their value remains?

Our modern cultural heritage in a handy pocket format

Did you know that more than 50% of the Swedish adult population has access to a holiday home? This figure is unmatched in the whole world! For many of us there is something quite natural about living close to nature in a small cottage during the summer holidays.

It is also natural that these cottages should be adapted to our demand for a comfortable life. During the last thirty years, many holiday homes have been transformed into permanent homes at a rapid pace. Extensions are built, more insulation is added and open land is exchanged for fenced gardens.

The history of holiday homes - and their future

At Västarvet we would like people to have access to well-preserved holiday home environments in the future, too. By describing the history of holiday homes and their evolution into permanent homes, we would like to encourage more interest in the conservation of this cultural heritage.

This pamphlet is aimed at those interested in learning more about the process, those who have a holiday home to look after and those who work with leisure buildings in some way.

Download the pamphlet here

Click here to download the pamphlet Holiday homes - cultural heritage and welfare symbol (pdf in Swedish).

Updated: 2021-05-07 09:34